Pastor To Private - Why I did.

I never was a pastor and as far as I am concerned I never will be. I don't feel like its my calling. But I can explain.

A few years ago if you would've told me I was going to be in the military I would've peed my pants and said no way Jose. 2 years ago I thought I had it all planned out for me. Here's what I had going on

Two years ago I dreamed of being a youth pastor...hence the title, "Pastor to Private" I loved it!! I loved following my old youth pastor around, doing youth ministry things. I dreamed youth ministry. Well of course God threw me an unexpected curve ball and my emotions eventually changed.

Last year I went on an incredible missions trip with an incredible group of people. We stayed in Juarez, Mexico. While we were staying in El Paso, TX we were living right next to a military base. FT Bliss. It was cool driving by and seeing tanks, cannons, soldiers, barracks, Humvees and all other crazy military things. While down there in Mexico I was seeing how cool it was to serve. I was out of my comfort zone, even though most of you seem to think Mexico is my home (You know who you all are, and I hate you :-)

While in Mexico I experienced serving in a totally different environment. Now I am a mind-reader and I know what you are thinking, "If you loooove God, and you love serving, and you wanted to be a pastor than why don't you just work in the field of doing missions trips?" That's a great question! I loved helping the people in Mexico but....

I love danger
I love protecting others
I love blowing stuff up
I love guns
I want the challenge
I want the experience
I want the uniform
I want to be a part of the United States Armed Forces

As I was sitting on the plane home, on a plane with more soldiers than civilians I was thinking about life and what I wanted to do...

Im going to serve my King, and my country.


BCT - Basic Combat Training

Everyone fears it, but not everyone has to go through it. So I leave July 13th for Ft Benning Georgia. My emotions are running all over the place

I am not happy because: I have a little summer, leave my best friends I have, I'll be pushed harder than I ever had, July in the south is not fun at all, I will miss my church community, I will miss the summer nights, the bonfires...

I am happy because: Im on a new chapter of life, Im testing my faith, Im pushing my body physically and emotionally to make me a better person, I get to play with Guns, I get to travel, I get to experience things not many people will, I'll get an amazing oppertunity to serve, I'll make amazing new friends, I get to put on the uniform I've always admired.

Either way I am leaving In July and I am enjoying every last moment I get to spend with my friends. Until then I'm going to have a blast! The summer has been great so far! Stick around for more posts until July 13, 2009.

One Love,
PVT Flora

When One Chapter Ends...

I still remember my mom pushing me out of the door on the first day of 1st grade. I still remember what I was wearing. Red sweat pants and and a red shirt. I was crying hysterically. I told her I couldn't go because I felt like I was going to throw up. I was horrified because this was truly the first time I was leaving my house for a long time. I walked to the bus stop with Adam crying. He always tried to tell me everything was going to be just fine. He always protected my on the bus. He's always had my back. Everyday I left my mom waved to me at the same window.
When Adam went to middle school and I was in second grade she came with me to the bus stop everyday. We always talked.
She worked in the cafeteria for a few years and kids always got grossed out when they saw the lunch lady kissing a boy...but it was my momma. She always got me a little something too :)

Middle school rolled around and I was one goofy kid. I had a tough time adjusting to a new building and dealing with the big bad 8Th graders. What an awkward time in life. I don't miss any part of middle school. I spent my days talking about squirrels and trying to figure out why my voice was getting deeper.

I still remember perfectly the first day of high school. I was small and the seniors were big and had beards. Enough said. I remember getting off the bus and just walking into massive crowds of people. I got lost for a while. Freshmen year seemed to be never-ending. Sophomore year was a blur, and junior year was annoying. Senior year was the best hands down. I had all the perfect classes, was with my awesome friends, and definitely met some really cool new people. This year flew and I had one great time. I got in the car today, looked back at the school and waved and said, "you treated me well" and drove off.
Im done. I am finished high school and it sure does come with many different emotions.
Im on senior career study until graduation. June 12th.
Im sitting here now asking, am I ready for the next chapter?