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As I sat in the very back of math class the other day doing absolutely nothing I couldn't help but notice the girl in front of me crying. I'd like to think i'm a pretty compassionate guy so I asked her what was wrong. As she began to explain to me what was going on, disregarding the teacher completely I began to get angry. She explained to me that she just found out that her boyfriend of 10 months had cheated on her recently and she just found out. She was heartbroken. It really upsets me to think that a Guy would even consider doing that to a girl.
Two seats over from me the same day I saw that a girl was also very upset, she turned around to talk to me and began to explain to me that her boyfriend was sexually herassing her and pushing her to do things she really didnt want to do. It emotionally tore her apart. I couldnt even imagine...
I left that class genuinley upset because two guys, two mistakes, two really hurt girls. I couldnt imagine ever treating my girlfriend anything less than a princess( yeah yeah yeah im cool). I cant possibly comprehend how a guy could EVER do that to a girl, TO A GIRL! It really upsets me to think that guys would treat girls this way. This was two girls and two broken hearts. I cant even think about how many more have been hurt in some way by a guy, I probobly dont even want to know.
Were called to treat each and every girl like sisters of Christ. I have compassion for hurting people, and when its something as ridiculous as cheating, or sexually harassing it irritates me. I hear all the time in school how, how(pardon my french) all guys are a**holes, or perverted pigs. Im not denying it. I think that its awfully true, but I dont want to be generalized as just another random guy. I wouldnt ever consider treating a girl like that. I pray that things begin to change. I dont want a bad name because I have a Y chromosome. Somethings gotta change, and fast.
Evan, you are not just another guy. You are a great guy, one of the best... just wanted you to know. I think its great that you are so worried about changing something and that you were able to be there for those girls. I know that probably was a huge deal to them, to just have someone that will listen to them (especially a guy). I knew you were one of my best guy friends for a reason. Love ya buddy!!
I agree whole heartedly, with the above comment and your blog
You're so sweet Evan. Kelsey is so lucky.
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