Teenage Relationships Pt 1

There are probobly a few things you are wondering when you read the blog title. You could potentially be thinking:

"Great here is when Evan ranting on about his girlfriend" - No

"He's doesn't know what hes talking about" - Lies

"What advice could he have he is only a teen" - If your thinking that disregard my age and focus more on my willingness to strive for a great relationship. Thanks!

I spent a good amount of time the other night reflecting about my summer, while trying to figure out what I could possibly blog about next. As I sat there thinking about all that has happened this summer I came to the conclusion that blogging about relationships would be interesting. In particular, dating relationships. Relationships have a pretty big part of my summer since I'm in one, I have seen them evolve, and I have seen them fail miserably. Either way this has definitely been a summer for relationships in the CCV area so It put my mind to work.

This one can relate to all Christan dating relationships but im going to specifically call out the teens on this one.

One thing I've seen destroy a ton of relationships, are kids who aren't prepared to put time into a girlfriend or boyfriend and be able to maintain a good relationship with God. No one ever really said this whole Christianity gig was going to easy. Either way, weather couples realized it or not their relationship with God had a lot to do with why it did or didn't work. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying you have to be on fire for God, cause that is not going to be the case all the time, BUT I do believe you need to be at a spiritual point where you understand that the relationship is in Gods hands. Having a God centered relationship is the most healthy thing you could possibly have. If your relationship is based off all YOUR and YOUR bf/gf's feelings then things will go down hill fast. Things like boundary pushing and purity issues (future blog post) will become an issue. Also when being in a You-centered relationship, many different things can go wrong and become a problem.

This one is a biggie so be prepared...Ready? - When things just don't work out with your girlfriend/boyfriend and your self-centered-emotion-relationship ends....Whats next? Your sitting there thinking what went wrong? I bet you aren't feeling too well. But what happens when things end with your boyfriend/girlfriend and it was a God-Centered relationship? Do you think your ability to accept it and move on is better? I'm not saying the break-up will be easy and pain free, they never are but I know for a fact that it makes a difference.

Here are some ideas to help your relationship work out!
1. Pray about your relationship
2. Communicate your faith
3. Realize it needs to be God honoring
4. Have fun!

I am not the dating master, I am not even remotely close. I would only blog on what I am sure about and I am 100% sure having a God-Honoring God-Centered relationship is much healthier and effective.

One Love,