I Have a Secret!!

My sociology teacher got up from his desk and said, "Okay, who wants to hear some juicy gossip I heard earlier"

Each kid in that class began to salivate. It was odd. Some girls were begging...I kid you not, they were begging to hear what he had to say. He then pretended to get sidetracked, someone would yell asking to please here the gossip. He was truly interested to see how intrigued the class was.

Following the classes poor response to his question he followed it up with another question. "Who likes to hear a good story about someone else"

Again most kids began to talk about how they really enjoy bashing others with their words behind their backs.

He then said, "What if I shared gossip about you to the whole class?" And of course each kid said that it wouldn't be right.

And he replied with," so then why do you expect me to talk about someone else" And of course the answer was, "because its just not me"

The sociology teacher then began to ask students if anyone was going to stand up and stop him from sharing someone else's secret. Of course the class kept quiet when he offered a nice juicy story. I'm guilty as charged as well of not speaking out. He wanted to know why students are so interested in verbally bashing other people, but as soon as we are the ones getting bashed its a whole new story.

That's all he needed to say for me to see and realize that people talk, and they certainly listen. We discussed a few points in class about why people feel the need to gossip and a few things were discussed like:
-People who gossip feel the need to point out others issues to minimize their own.
-People will gossip because they are socially awkward and can only make conversation based off of bashing others.
-People are insecure.
-Self fulfillment

Why do we do this to each other, and then go insane when we discover someone talking about us? The teacher made us all look like idiots.

Finally when the teacher was done talking a girl from the class said, "Wait I dont get it, are you gonna tell us the gossip or not" I didnt even have a responce to what she had to say, It wouldnt of been Christ-Like.


Deidra said...

I love it! Great post!

Tina said...

Great post. It is so true and we are all guilty of it,some of us more than others. This is something I struggle with and sometimes, even when I'm going into a situation where I know it may happen and I try to guard against it, I still get sucked in, sometimes without realizing it.
I'm not sure why I do this but I think all of your points could be true for me at one time or another.
Great insight!