- Aunts quizzing me if i know who they are, I never do and I never will remember.
- Nasty old lady kisses.
- Watching drunk aunts and uncles dance.
Despite all of that I love my family! That is one of my favorite parts of the holidays. The family community is incredible. I love spending time with my family! We are a big fun Italian family! I have a hard time grasping my head around the fact that a lot of people have messed up broken families. Whats the divorce rate in the US today? like 53%? We've got 0 in our family. Its great to know that I have a loving family that I can ALWAYS count on. I just get upset to think of all the families that don't get together this time of year weather its because of distance or because of some dysfunction issue, but its upsetting. Kids have to pick either moms house or dads house for Christmas, that's messed up. I couldn't imagine what life would be like without my family.

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