Civic Duty - When It Finally Becomes Your Problem

I was in the passenger seat of my friend Kaitlyn's car, we were on the way to my house on the way home from school. We got to a back road when we saw a car parked in the middle of the road. Two people were in the road fighting.
This man was in a heated argument with this women, which I assumed was his girlfriend. Anyways, we drove past to get a good look and about 50 feet away we stopped and watched. He was really yelling at her and I watched closely. At one point he pushed her real hard and then began to choke her and he kept pushing her into the car.

An Evan rule: Never push Gods wonderful women around like that!

I was about to make it rain on this guys day!!!!!

So I ran out of the car and got in this bro's face. he yelled and advised me to get in the car

Cant scare me bro!

Anyway, he was still yelling at his girlfriend who was crying hysterically in the car, she tried to talk to me but she couldn't. The man continued to yell at me and I tried to handle the situation the best I could without violence. My friend called 911 while we were yelling in each others face. The guy tried telling me, he didn't want her to get wet in the rain (newsflash...IT WASNT RAINING) So when I procedded to tell him he was full of s*** he then got pretty enraged with anger and got in his car and sped off.
We drove down the road a few minutes later to see that he was being cuffed and thrown into the back of a police car. Yay!

Ladies please: never ever ever tolerate even being slightly pushed by a guy, no girl EVER deserves that. Get out of that relationship immediatly. Please please please.

messed up, I am glad I was there because it makes me so angry to think that a guy would do the middle of the road too.


Naeners said...

Nice job buddy! <3

Nick "Danger" Weingartner said...

awesome man. mad respect for you for doing that

Tina said...

That was a very brave thing to do.
I'm proud of you!

alleigh said...

this is why i love you!