My 18th birthday is Friday, and I feel as if my mom is fearing that date more than ever. Shes always had control over me, shes always had a say in what I do. But Friday, I'll be free. Not that I am joyful about this occasion. I will tell you hands down that I do have the coolest mom on the planet, and sorry if your offended but stay at my house for a week and you'll see what I am talking about. Be jelous
For 26 years my mom has always played the role of, well mom. Not that she is ever going to stop, but for the past 26 years someone has always lived under her roof, under her care.
My sister has been gone for what seems like forever, my brother is leaving this summer for Arizona, and I am leaving for military duties. Who is left? No one. We'll my Dad will be around but there will be a post for him later in time.
This I cant comprehend. My mom loves being a mom so much that some time it gets annoying, but I know she really really really cares. I cant imagine this house being just my mom and dad.
I have never had a love that even compares to the love she has for me, I just cant fathom having an "empty nest."
I was at the Silvers house this weekend, and I just would see Matt and Carrie with their kids. Seeing them made me see what things my mom has gone through with me. Those are two extremely loving parents I might add. Since the joy of them adopting me (just kidding I am not adopted.) Since they day she knew about my existence, the late late nights up crying, the fights, the first day of school (which I will never forget) and going through grades 1-12 she has always been there, she never stopped loving. Saying goodbye might just me the hardest thing I will ever have to do
Love you Mom,

Your mom rocks! I love her! Tell her I love her! And tell her too that if she gets lonely with no kids around this summer, Damo and I will be there anytime... Nice post buddy! <3
your mom is awesome and it's so nice to see that you really appreciate her!
It will be terribly hard for her to say goodbye to you and Adam but I'm sure she is confident that you both have grown into exceptional young men who are quite capable of being "grown ups" Even still, you will always be her "boys"
Once a mom, always a mom.
I know she will miss you guys.
Can I add that I will miss you, too?
You'd better come back and visit A LOT!!!
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