I know what your thinking. Who on earth watches Mtv anymore? And who watches The Real World? Isnt that show filled with drunken parties and promiscuous sex scenes?
Not this season, which is why It was my favorite all time season!
This year really related to me, which is why I felt it was my favorite.

Great to watch.
Of course not all the chracters were as awesome. There was an outspoken, obnoxious, loud mouth who felt the need to jump into every argument

The show did not have one sex scene, and had limited "drunk party" scenes. I feel as if Real World changed its direction of the show. Maybe they got a group of people that preferd not to party, who knows but either way it made the show more enjoyable. Each episode usually had its focus on a specific person more than others. It was interesting because you got to see a more in depth look into their life. The cast this year for the most part had apirations as they entered the big city. Someone was seeking a dancing career, one was looking for a fashion designing job, ryan was looking into getting into the film industry, chet was working hard to get onto Mtv to be a host and interviewer for various bands. It was a great year.
hey guys,The Real World is basically just about different types of people living under one roof.I say that every season of this show is better.to watch the real world episodes online click here..
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