"Congrats your 50% closer to be being in the United States Army"

I was nervous yesterday. I was nervous this afternoon. But I finally feel relieved and I feel as if I hit the point of being comfortable.

Today after school today the Army recruiter took me to the 0ffice to get some stuff done. I was asked a ton of questions; criminal history, health history etc. My height and weight was taken. 18% body fat, not bad. I was given a nice big packet that I filled out. I asked a ton of questions about dates, departure, basic combat training, MEPS, blah blah blah... It was exciting.

When I was on my way home, the recruiter said, "Congrats your 50% closer to being in the Army. It was exciting! I take the ASVAB finally on Tuesday @ Willow Grove.

All thats left is the physical, signing my name, and taking oath. That all has to be competed when I am 18 (two weeks!) Today though was definitely a great day and got me feeling more comfortable with this intense decision!


Tina said...

Good Luck with the test.
You have given this a lot of thought and I respect you for your decision.
Thank you for your future service!