Until Next Time...

I woke up at 12:30 today, sadly I can say that this is going to be the last day in a while I can do that. I layed their staring at my ceiling reminiscing about my summer. I began to think about how it started with a summer kick off party at my house and officially ended with a small bonfire and some more rooftop memories ;)

From day 1 till now it has been one incredible summer that I surely will not forget. Some money, new friends, and a great relationship, and a whole lot of fun. I couldn't be any happier with the way this summer turned out.

Here are some things that made my summer above the rest: Countless bonfires, smores, rooftops, nights under the stars, chicken wars, trampolines, shopping carts or actually shopping CART, Batman, CIY MOVE, Walmart thieves, car chases, Escape, Stretch, spending hours upon hours at church, 2am Collegeville Diner trips, trips to Maryland, and finally OBX.

A good summer is a summer with absolutely zero regrets

One week of absolute fun was CCV's unofficial Prank Week 08'. Ohhh what a good week. One of my summer favs.

I stole this idea from Brendo but I really like it:
Mikey G - Thanks for always hanging out and being bored with me whatever time of the day it was.
Kels - Thankyouuu soo much for making this summer so much more special. Each night has just been amazing.
Breanna, Nikki, and Alli - Im really glad that I got to know you girls a lot better this summer! you're all a lot of fun! Im glad to know you girls more than just Giggle Monsters now.
Brendo - Thanks for coming over at 12am to hangout on the deck and talk for hours. You've helped me so much this summer its been great!
Amanda - You too have helped me so much Congrats on the engagement!
Darin - I was so stoked to see you at the church more than me this summer. God def had some serious intentions for you this summer, Glad we could chill. Thanks for bringing wall ball to CCV.
Damo and Renae - Some of my favorite summer days have been following you two around! Thanks for helping me a lot this summer.
Dont be at all offended if I forgot you please...

This summer has been so good that its actually hard for me to accept it being over in 10 hours...
Senior year, I guess its time for things to get rollin.

Thanks summer 08'!


Andrew, your friendly Disciple of Christ said...

haha, glad you had a great summer, and glad to have seen you going through some of it

April Tatta said...

Hey- check out the song "Kelsey" by Metro Station ; )

p.s. Edward Cullen oh laaa laaa!!