220 days, 18 hours, and a few odd minutes...

YES! The one thing that has been on my mind since August 31st. GRADUATION!!!!! I never ever got excited about leaving high school for a few reasons:

  • It seems easy enough, why want fly through it
  • Everyone said enjoy the time while you have it
  • Not too much responsibility
  • I don't have to plan much its planned for me basically
  • FREE!!

Well, as time progresses I am finding myself getting more and more frustrated with being in high school! I think I can safely say I am tired of it and I am prepared for the next chapter of my life.
Sure all the things I listed about are great but its beginning to get a little old. The immature people, the drama, the tedious lame work (i know it wont end) its all starting to get to me!
Its more than just the people, Im finding myself at a point in life where I am in this little Collegeville bubble. Its been that way since Day 1 with my walk with Christ. Its time for something different! A change of some sort is in need...
This has no relevance with the whole, "I am not being fed" ordeal, this is me dealing with being in this little fishbowl.

I am not an idiot I understand and accept the responsibility that comes with being an adult and being out of High School, I have two great eyes that allow me to see that. But what is life like for a little fish in a little fish bowl? Its freaking boring!!!( Haha for the Stenmans it means not having a tail or fins!) What about a fish in the Ocean? I bet it rocks! well except when your mom gets eaten by a barracuda...Poor Nemo :(

Like the title says, I still have a good amount of time ahead of me, but in 220 days when I'm blogging about graduation i know one of the first things i will be saying is, "Wow this year went fast"


Tina said...

Hang in there, Evan.
I think you have a major case of "senioritis"
Do your best to enjoy this last year of High School. There are so many huge milestones that happen for you this year and you don't want to look back and say "I wish I would have experienced ____"

Evan Flora said...

oh i can tell you that senioritis has been affecting me since summer....Yuck!!