Giving Thanks

There are a few reasons why I really love thanksgiving!

1) Fooood! If you know me than you know I loveloveloveloveee food!
2) no school for a week!
3) a great time to see family
4) beginning of Christmas time!!!! YES

What are some things that you are thankful for?

With the worlds economy pretty much in the toilet and many people loosing jobs, money, or even their house I bet there are a lot of people who think, "Life is terrible, what do I have to be thankful for?" Money is lame, here are some things that I am most thankful for:

My Family, I love them! I have an incredible family that I absolutely love! No complains one bit! We've got rednecks, hardcore Degos, old people, hilarious people, loud people, and last but not least and my personal favorite, THE OLD ANGRY REPUBLICANS! LOL my family legit!

My friends, they should just be in the same category as family. I have friends I would do anything for, I love these people with all my heart! They are my family.

My God, not first on the list but first on my heart. Wow, Christ died for me, for you for everyone. That's something I cant forget about while I'm sitting here thinking about what I am most thankful for in life.
I am really looking forward to spending some good quality time with my family for thanksgiving! I am very lucky to have a majority of my family with me and local! I cant wait to see them and hangout!

I had to pick my quote for the yearbook last week and I picked one that reminds me about despite whats going on in the world financially, life's not about money.

"You can loose all your money, you can loose all your gold. You can never loose your heart and no one can take your soul."

Live and Love,